The AMP40041 from Exodus Advanced Communications is a Solid-State Power Amplifier that operates from 4.0 to 6.0 GHz GHz. It has a Class AB linear design supporting an ultra-wide instantaneous C-band bandwidth and includes built-in protection circuits with extending monitoring capabilities. This power amplifier requires an AC supply of 100-240 V and consumes less than 1000 W of power.
The Shieldex EMC Enclosure by Shieldex - Statex Produktions- und Vertriebs GmbH is a Shielded Test Enclosure ideal for laboratory tests and measurements in the frequency range from 0.03 to 40 GHz. It has a shield effectiveness of up to 95 dB. This enclosure is compliant to IEEE 299/2006 standard and can be customized using door, window, I/O panel, light, floor, ventilation system, and cable sleeves.
The AK-40G from A.H. Systems is an EMC Antenna Kit for frequencies from 20 Hz to 40 GHz. It consists of 4 antennas (log periodic antenna, biconical antenna, active monopole antenna, passive loop antenna), N(f) to BNC(m) adapter, SMA(m) to N(f) adapter, a tripod, azimuth and elevation head, and tripod carrying case.
The 4151E from Ophir RF is an EMC Solid-State Power Amplifier that operates from 6.0 to 18 GHz. It delivers a saturated output power of 250 W with a small signal gain of more than 54 dB and supports CW/AM/FM/PM/Pulse input signal formats. This amplifier utilizes Class AB linear power devices that provide an excellent 3rd-order intercept point, high gain, and a wide dynamic range.
The iAMP300600043-R by Becker Nachrichtentechnik a compact solid-state power amplifier with an integrated CW RF source and optional AM/pulse modulation up to 6 GHz (acc. DIN EN 55035). It includes an input port for DUT signal measurement. With a software option, users can run calibration cycles autonomously, ensuring reproducible conditions and efficient EMC-compliance testing.
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