EMC Test Tables

19 EMC Test Tables from 6 manufacturers listed on EMC Directory

EMC Test Tables are wooden non conducting tables which are compliant with EMC test standards and are used to set up EUT and test equipment inside Anechoic Chamber. EMC Test Tables for EMC Testing are listed on EMC Directory. Use the parametric search tools to narrow down on products by Size, material and various other parameters. View product details, download datasheets and get quotes on EMC Test Table that you need.

1 - 10 of 19 EMC Test Tables

EMC Test Tables are the tables used to set up the Equipment under test (EUT) and associated test equipment inside an anechoic chamber or other controlled test environment. They are constructed using materials such as wood, styrofoam, etc., and can be positioned on the top of a turntable or chamber floor. These test tables have been designed to match the size and height recommended by a wide variety of test regulations (e.g., CISPR 25, CISPR 22). 

The EMC test tables are available with the following features: 

  • Available with a non-conducting or a conducting grounded surface to meet EMC testing requirements
  • Available in different sizes and configurations (e.g., rectangular or round version), 
  • Available with wheels and brakes for easy handling, 
  • Height adjustment option,
  • Available in lightweight and portable options. 

EMC Test Table Manufacturers


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