Rohde & Schwarz Release the Dates and Venues for On-Site DEMC 2023

Rohde & Schwarz Release the Dates and Venues for On-Site DEMC 2023712370

Rohde & Schwarz announced the dates and venues for the on-site Demystifying Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) DEMC 2023. The dates and venues for Europe, Asia Pacific, and North America have been released by the company on its official website. The motto of DEMC 2023 is delivering expertise with high-quality training and for free to industries around the globe.

With a mixture of expert presentations, practical demonstrations, and lively discussions, the seminars will get to the heart of current EMC issues. EMC expert from Rohde & Schwarz James MacAlonan will be joined on stage by well-known industry expert, Lee Hill of Silent Solutions LLC for a day of insightful and educational sessions covering many modern EMC topics and techniques.

The first session with James MacAlonan will be on ‘The Meaning of Time,’ where he will dive into how spectrum analyzers and receivers make measurements and how the dwell/sweep time affects what we can see from that measurement. The second presentation will take an in-depth look at fast fourier transforms; how they differ from traditional measurement methods, and how they can be implemented with today’s test equipment.

The program will also feature a two-part presentation by Lee Hill, entitled 'Getting Good with Ground.' Lee will demonstrate and present intuitive ways to understand ground in electrical schematics, PCB layouts, and electronic enclosure installations, focusing on the function and impact of ground on regulatory (EMC) and functional noise problems. 

Click here to know more about the dates and venues for Demystifying Electro Magnetic Compatibility (DEMC) 2023.

Click here to view EMC Directory's coverage of DEMC 2023.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309

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