Kema Labs: Automotive EMC Testing Pioneer for Over 40 Years Expands to Everyday Devices and Industries

Kema Labs: Automotive EMC Testing Pioneer for Over 40 Years Expands to Everyday Devices and Industries712370

Kema Labs has been a leader in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing for 40 years and plays host to a semi-anechoic chamber that was built in 1987 for military applications. Its chamber for civilian applications has an area of more than 400 m² and can take a load of 13 tons, making it capable of testing the largest and heaviest objects.

Electromagnetic waves are not seen but they are everywhere. From the 1960s onwards, the world’s militaries have had to test how different electronic devices interact with each other, and devices in everyday life now need to be tested as well. Kema Labs carries out tests for the automotive sector, using a large rotating table that allows testing everything from buses and heavy trucks to earth-moving machinery. A test facility for indirect lightning effect has been constructed for testing devices in the aviation sector.

Testing services of Kema Labs include:

  • Electromagnetic field immunity tests
  • Conducted susceptibility tests – frequency domain
  • Conducted susceptibility tests – time domain
  • Insulation tests
  • Indirect lighting tests
  • Radiated Emission at a minimum of 10m distance from the Equipment under Test (EUT)
  • Conducted Emission Tests – Frequency domain

Click here to learn more about the testing and certification services offered by KEMA Labs.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309

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