IEEE Switzerland, Montena Technology, and ETS-Lindgren Host HEMP/IEMI Technology Workshop

IEEE Switzerland, Montena Technology, and ETS-Lindgren Host HEMP/IEMI Technology Workshop712370

The IEEE Switzerland Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Antennas and Propagation (AP), and Microwave Theory and Technologies (MTT) Societies Joint Chapter, Montena Technology, and ETS-Lindgren will partner as co-hosts of the in-person Workshop on high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (HEMP) and intentional electromagnetic interference (IEMI) to be held Thursday, March 27, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm UTC+1, at Montena Technology in Fribourg, Switzerland.  

Janet O’Neil, ETS-Lindgren’s Customer Relations Manager, and Mohammad Azadifar, IEEE Switzerland EMC-AP-MTT Societies Joint Chapter Chair, will helm the organization of the full-day Workshop. Industry expert Carlos Romero, with Armasuisse Science + Technology, will chair the technical program and deliver the keynote presentation “Swiss Research Overview in EMP/IEMI.”  Workshop attendees will gain valuable insights into recent advancements in HEMP and IEMI research, with a particular focus on high-voltage generator technology. The program will feature engaging discussions on protecting critical infrastructure and provide cutting-edge information facilitated by industry experts.

Dr. Romero has assembled a team of excellent presenters to share the latest technological advancements in their respective areas of expertise. In addition to Dr. Romero, speakers include François Volery with Montena Technology on “Design and Applications of Repetitive High-Voltage Generators”; Tobias Okech with MPE (Liverpool, UK) on “Importance of HEMP/IEMI Filter Design for Protection of Critical Infrastructure”; and Elias Le Boudec with Swiss Federal Institute of Lausanne (Lausanne, Switzerland) on “Experimental Single-Shot Localization of Electrostatic Discharge Current Paths.”  Dr. Romero will also deliver a presentation sharing his expertise on Marx generators. A complement to this talk and highlight of the program will be the live demonstrations showcasing the latest achievements in megavolt Marx generators.

ETS-Lindgren is happy to support the Switzerland EMC-AP-MTT Societies Joint Chapter, Montena Technology, and Dr. Romero in organizing this HEMP/IEMI Workshop,” said Ms. O’Neil.  “With ETS-Lindgren having hosted the GlobalEM 2024 Symposium – the premier gathering of international HEMP/IEMI experts – in Austin, Texas, last summer, we had the opportunity to meet Dr. Romero and Mr. Volery. We learned of the tremendous capabilities of Armasuisse Science + Technology and Montena Technology in Switzerland and decided to organize the HEMP/IEMI Workshop to share their expertise and that of the invited speakers with the local community.”

Hosted at a facility specializing in high-voltage equipment for HPEM and IEMI, participants will benefit from demonstrations and discussions in an authentic industrial setting at Montena Technology. Click here to view further information on the technical program, speaker biographies, and registration. A complimentary lunch and refreshments will be provided. There is no charge to attend the Workshop, but you must register in advance, as seating is limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. All IEEE members and non-members are welcome to attend.

Click here to view the solution for EMP on ETS-Lindgren.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309


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