IEEE EMC Society Presents Distinguished Lecturers' Webinar Series: Insights on Wireless, EMC, & More

IEEE EMC Society Presents Distinguished Lecturers' Webinar Series: Insights on Wireless, EMC, & More 712370

The IEEE EMC Society is excited to announce its upcoming Distinguished Lecturers’ Live Webinar Series for the fall of 2023. Kicking off the series is Dr. Robert Johnk, a respected research engineer from the Institute for Telecommunication Sciences in Boulder, CO, USA.

In this session, Dr. Johnk will explain how to conduct mobile channel measurements across diverse outdoor landscapes, spanning from expansive rural regions to densely cluttered urban zones. Attendees will gain insights into the methodologies, equipment, and data post-processing techniques essential for extracting valuable propagation parameters like path loss, Doppler spreading, and K-factors. This presentation holds significance for both the wireless and EMC communities, with the acquired measurement results playing a pivotal role in shaping national spectrum policies. Dr. Johnk will also showcase outcomes from measurement campaigns at frequencies of 1700 MHz and 3500 MHz. The techniques shared during this session could be used to evaluate the efficacy of EMC testing facilities, including Anechoic/Semi-Anechoic chambers and Open-Area testing sites.

The additional live webinars scheduled from September to November 2023 will feature experts from around the world who will delve into various topics such as electromagnetic field coupling to transmission lines, wearable devices EMC, experimental validation of transmission line models, conducted EMI of electric power trains, EMC tests in reverberation chambers, protection of critical infrastructures against IEMI, reverberation chambers, and unintentional antennas.

Click here to learn more about the Distinguished Lecturers’ Live Webinar Series.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309

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