Government of UK Assess RF and EMC Compatibility of Evidential Breath Alcohol Test Instruments

Government of UK Assess RF and EMC Compatibility of Evidential Breath Alcohol Test Instruments712370

Government of UK has released the RF and EMC Compatibility Assessment details on its Evidential Breath Alcohol Test Instruments of Evidential Breath Alcohol Test Instruments. The publication was released by the Breath Alcohol Type Approval Manager. In accordance with "A Guide to Type Approval Procedures for Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing Instruments used for Road Traffic Law Enforcement in Great Britain," 1994, which is mandated by the Road Traffic Act of 1988, the Lion Intoxilyzer 6000UK, Intoximeter EC/IR, and Camic Datamaster are Evidential Breath Alcohol Testing Instruments (EBTIs) that are type approved for the purpose of performing evidential breath tests.

Following the introduction of Police Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) the performance of all type approved EBTIs were evaluated in 2003 to assess the effect of TETRA on evidential breath readings.

This assessment is based on the information contained in references 5 to 8 listed below. The EMC and RF evaluation of the EBTIs was conducted to earlier versions of the current standards which were designed to test against threats (interference sources) that were available at time of testing.

  • Lion Intoxilyzer 6000UK – there is no impact observed from TETRA based systems,
  • Intoximeter EC/IR – there is no impact observed from TETRA based systems,
  • Camic Datamaster – It has been observed that under certain conditions TETRA based systems may cause the unit to abort a measurement reading. Hence in a safe evidential condition.

Click here to know more about Road Traffic Act 1988.

Click here to know more about Railways and Road Safety Act 2003.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309

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