ETS-Lindgren Confirms Technical Contributions to Leading European EMC Conferences in 2023

ETS-Lindgren Confirms Technical Contributions to Leading European EMC Conferences in 2023712370

ETS-Lindgren announced its technical contributions to the European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP) 2023, Europe’s largest and most significant antennas and propagation conference, to be held at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, Italy, from March 26 to 31; and to EMV 2023, Europe’s largest EMC conference, to be held at the International Congress Center in Stuttgart, Germany, from March 28 to 30.

At EuCAP 2023, ETS-Lindgren engineers will present in four sessions with two papers and two workshops as part of the extensive EuCAP Technical Program. The papers are included in Convened Sessions (CS), some of which are organized by industry associations, including the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association (AMTA), Industrial Workshops (IW), and Scientific Workshops (SW). ETS-Lindgren’s industry-leading engineers were invited to share their latest antenna test and measurement methodologies and R&D advancements. These new test methods result in faster, more accurate, reliable, and precise measurements to evaluate the performance of a variety of electronic devices, from the smallest cell phone to the largest vehicle.

Jari Vikstedt, Director, Wireless Solutions with ETS-Lindgren, will present the paper “A Novel Method for Near-Field Scanning of Phased Arrays at mmWave Frequencies” as part of the CS3-AMTA Session: Advanced Measurement Techniques for 5G and Beyond. Janet O’Neil, Customer Relations Manager with ETS-Lindgren, will co-chair this extended session with Dr. Tian Hong Loh of the National Physics Laboratory (NPL) in the United Kingdom. The year 2023 celebrates the sixth time ETS-Lindgren and NPL have collaborated on this unique session with global 5G experts since its EuCAP debut in 2018. Mr. Vikstedt will also present “Modern 5G Millimeter Wave Antenna Array Evaluation in Near- and Far-Field Environments” in IW02, Antenna Design and Test Considerations for Future 5G and 6G Wireless Communication. Invited speakers in this workshop also include Daniele Disco with Telecom Italia and Dr. Loh with NPL.

Zhong Chen, Director, RF Engineering with ETS-Lindgren, will present the paper “Determination of Antenna Displacement from a Single Cut Quasi-Farfield Pattern for Cylindrical Mode Filtering Applications,” co-authored by Yibo Wang, RF Engineer with ETS-Lindgren, and Professor Stuart Gregson with Queen Mary University of London and Next Phase Measurements. This paper is featured in CS34 and CS34b: Novel Antenna Measurement Techniques and Data Analysis, co-chaired by Ms. O’Neil and Dennis Lewis, Technical Fellow with Boeing. Mr. Chen will also present “Uncertainty Contributions from EMC Test Site Imperfections for mm-Wave Measurements” in SW05: Effectively Addressing the Challenges to Uncertainties Induced by Modern Environment and Positioning Systems in Electromagnetic Compatibility and Antenna Measurements. This workshop is organized by Ms. O’Neil and Professor Carlo Carobbi at the University of Florence. Invited speakers in this workshop also include Professor Yahya Rahmat-Samii with the University of California, Los Angeles; David Knight, Senior Research Scientist with NPL; Mr. Lewis; and Professor Carobbi.

ETS-Lindgren is also exhibiting and supporting EuCAP as a Silver Sponsor. “Visit us in Booth #52 at the EuCAP Exhibition to see our latest products and services. Our engineers and sales professionals will be happy to discuss our 5G, EMC, antenna, automotive, and wireless test and measurement solutions for your specific application,” said Rhonda Rodriguez, Manager, Global Marcom, with ETS-Lindgren. You can find the EuCAP papers, including those by ETS-Lindgren’s experts, on the IEEE Xplore® digital library.

At EMV 2023, conference attendees look forward to the extensive exhibition of EMC products and services. ETS-Lindgren’s Booth #C2 306 is a highlight due to the abundance of EMC solutions offered, from small antennas to large vehicle test chambers. Visitors will be able to experience and interact with a wide variety of EMC products such as antennas, absorbers, EMSense™ field probes, EMCenterTM, and more! Software and service solutions will also be on display.

“We’ve participated as an exhibitor and contributor to the technical program at EMV for many years now. "We always look forward to renewing our relationships and making new ones with the EMC professionals who attend EMV,” said Vincent Keyser, Sales Director EMEA with ETS-Lindgren. “With the advances in EMC technology, especially for automotive applications and the test chamber market in general, we’ve developed new solutions that we’re excited to share with visitors to our booth,” he added. 

The EMV Exhibition is also where ETS-Lindgren’s contributions to the technical program will take place. On Tuesday, March 28, Joel Kellogg, Electrical Engineer and Global Marketing Director with ETS-Lindgren, will present in the Compact Seminar “Mitigation of HEMP, EMP, and IEMI Threats to Critical Infrastructure” along with industry experts Sven Fisahn, Deputy Branch Head Electromagnetic Effects and HPEM with the Bundeswehr Research Institute for Protective Technologies and CBRN Protection (WIS), and Eric Easton, Vice President, Grid Transformation and Investment with CenterPoint Energy. On Wednesday, March 29, Garth D’Abreu, Director, Automotive Solutions with ETS-Lindgren, will present “A Case Study: Designing and Implementing a Cost-Effective, Multi-Purpose Turnkey EMC Test Facility.”

Click here to learn more about EVM 2023.

Click here to learn more about EuCAP 2023.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309


  • Country: United States
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