DLS Providing EMC Solutions According to Canada, US, and Europeans Standards

DLS Providing EMC Solutions According to Canada, US, and Europeans Standards712370

DLS offers complete service for testing and approvals of wireless devices from start to finish. This begins with an initial review of your product and market requirements. The DLS team will then determine all of the applicable regulatory EMC requirements and perform the regulatory testing. It will also ascertain and gather all required documentation and exhibits, complete all official forms and documentation, and obtain the certifications necessary that enable you to market your wireless products. The following briefly describes the processes for FCC, ISED Canada, and the European Union.

DLS is an ISO 17025-accredited EMC Test Laboratory and its test labs are registered with the FCC and ISED Canada.

United States of America

  • Regulatory Authority – Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
  • Standards/Regulations – FCC Code of Federal Regulations 47CFR
    • 47CFR contains FCC Parts 0 through 199, each relevant to specific wireless communications technologies.
  • Certification is required – Test data, documentation, and application forms are submitted for review. Upon completion and approval, a Grant of Certification is issued for the product.
  • Labeling – Specific product and package labeling pursuant to FCC regulations is required.
  • Information to the user – Specific information must be provided to the end user of the product.
  • RF Exposure – All wireless devices are subject to FCC regulations for RF Exposure and protection of the end user from RF fields.


  • Regulatory Authority – ISED Canada Certification and Engineering Bureau
  • Standards/Regulations – ISED Canada Radio Standards Specifications
  • Certification is required – Test data, documentation, and application forms are submitted for review. Upon completion and approval, a Technical Acceptance Certificate (TAC) is issued for the product.
  • Labeling – Specific product and package labeling pursuant to ISED Canada regulations is required.
  • Information to the user – Specific information must be provided to the end user of the product.
  • RF Exposure – All wireless devices are subject to ISED Canada regulations for RF Exposure and protection of the end user from RF fields.

European Union

  • Regulatory Authority – European Commission
  • Standards/Regulations – Radio Equipment Directive (RED) contains the legal requirements. The European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) Standards apply to radio devices (transmitters & receivers). ETSI-published standards contain both harmonized and non-harmonized standards. The use of harmonized standards gives the manufacturer presumption of conformity with the requirements of the RED.
  • Role of a Notified Body – If the manufacturer uses Harmonized standards to show compliance of their device for radio requirements, then the use of a Notified body is not required. A Notified Body is consulted when no harmonized standards exist for the specific product, or when a manufacturer elects not to use Harmonized standard in part or in full.
  • Compliance is based on a manufacturer’s Declaration of Conformity (DoC).
  • Labeling – Specific product labeling is required.
  • RF Exposure – All wireless devices are subject to regulations for RF Exposure Safety and protection of the end user from RF fields.

Click here to learn more about DLS.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309

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