New York Congressman Visits Retlif Labs' Secured EMC and ESS Facility

New York Congressman Visits Retlif Labs' Secured EMC and ESS Facility712370

Retlif Testing Laboratories, a globally recognized, independent EMC/EMI and environmental testing organization, welcomed New York State Congressman Andrew Garbarino to its secure facility for an escorted tour of their EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) and Environmental Simulation Services (ESS) laboratories.

The tour was followed by a roundtable discussion in support of military contracting and defense manufacturing on Long Island, logistics and supply chain issues, and the growing employment opportunities within the contracting space.

The visit began with a presentation by Retlif Testing Laboratories President Walter Poggi and Business Development Manager Owen Watford which provided an overview of Retlif’s history, services, facilities, industries served, accreditations, and approvals. Congressman Garbarino received tours of Retlif’s EMC laboratory by Retlif Executive Vice President William Hayes and Retlif’s ESS laboratory by Lab Supervisor Nick Accardi.

The visit was capped by an industry roundtable discussion with Congressman Garbarino and members of The United States Navy League and representatives from six leading Long Island defense manufacturers. 

Topics included the value of technical education and training, the lack of emphasis by schools despite the acute shortage of technicians and engineers, and the need for educational funding to support these growing employment opportunities. Congressman Garbarino expressed his support and appreciation for Long Island’s military manufacturing community and offered a helping hand for projects in need of appropriation.

“I am very appreciative of Congressman Garbarino’s visit to Retlif,” said Poggi, “and I know he received an appreciation of how our testing supports Long Island’s defense manufacturing community. I am also very pleased that we were able to provide a forum for the Congressman to meet representatives of the Corporate Committee of the Long Island Council of the Navy League to better understand their concerns and thoughts on defense manufacturing on Long Island."

Click here to learn more about Retlif Testing Laboratories.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309

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