The MS2840A from Anritsu is a Spectrum Analyzer/Signal Analyzer that operates from 9 kHz to 3.6/6/26.5/44.5 GHz. The analyzer supports measurements across a wide frequency band ranging from applications such as microwave wireless backhaul, requiring high phase-noise performance to measure transmitter carrier close-in spurious, to VHF/UHF private mobile radio (PMR). It has a standard bandwidth of 1 kHz to 25 MHz, a sampling rate of 2 kHz to 50 MHz, and a capture time of 1 µs to 500 ms. It has a pulse modulation of more than 60 dB, a rising/falling time of less than 90 ns, and a pulse repetition frequency of DC to 1 MHz at 50% duty cycle.
The MS2840A eliminates image-response effects at wideband signal measurements and supports millimeter-wave wideband wireless applications, such as wireless backhaul, automobile radar, and WiGig. It has a gate time of more than 100 ns, a SPAN of less than 1 MHz dBm, and an SSB phase noise of -148 dBc/Hz (@ 10 MHz offset). The spectrum generator is ideal for measurement of Phase Noise Measurement, Noise Figure Measurement, Vector and Analog Modulation Analysis, BER Measurement, and Pulse Radar Measurement Function. It has an in-built signal generator option that supports all-in-one wireless TRx and BER measurements.