Watt to dBm Calculator

Enter a value in Watts and click on calculate to get the dBm value


  • dBm Value

Watt to dBm Calculator converts the power value in Watts (W) to dBm (decibels-milliwatts) value, using the input power (in Watts) value entered by the user. The calculator uses the following formula:  



Watt (W) is SI unit for measuring the power 

dBm (decibel-milliwatts) is a decibel unit used to measure power with reference to 1 milliwatt (1 mW). This unit is commonly used in audio, wireless, and RF applications to represent signal power levels. 

A key benefit of expressing signal strength (power) in dBm value is that we can express both very small and very large power values (W) in simple numbers. For example, 2 mW is equivalent to 3 dBm, and 100 KW is equivalent to 80 dBm. The Watt to dBm calculator quickly and accurately calculates dBm from Watt. This calculator is a useful tool for measuring signal strength if you deal with telecommunications systems, audio applications, signal processing, and various other fields. 

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