Amps to Volts Calculator

Use this online calculator to convert Amps to Volts.

Enter the value in Amps and click on calculate to get the result in Volts.

  • A
  • Ohm


  • Voltage

The Amps to Volts Calculator is used to convert any current value (in A) to RMS Volts (in V), using the current (A) and the system impedance Z (in ohms) value entered by the user. The calculator uses the following formula: 


I - Represents the current value of the electrical signal in Amps.
Z- System impedance in ohms.
V - Represents the root–mean–square value of the electrical signal in Volts.

The Amps to Volts calculator helps to calculate the voltage value (in V) from the current value (A) by inputting the current (in A) and system impedance Z (in ohms). The calculator quickly and accurately calculates Volts (V) from current (A) and impedance (Z). This calculator is a useful tool for engineers working in various electrical and electronic applications where accurate voltage calculations play a vital role in design, analysis, and optimization.

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