The Importance of EMC Testing for Industrial Machinery

The Importance of EMC Testing for Industrial Machinery

EMC testing must take place in an authorized
setting: ideally, a laboratory compliant with
ISO/IEC 17025:2015 standards or recognized
by a relevant national regulator, e.g.,
Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratories
(NTRLs) designated by the U.S. Occupational
Standards and Health Administration
(OSHA).9 If a lab setting isn’t possible,
authorized testing personnel can conduct
tests in situ — with the machine installed as
desired by its end user — or at the device
manufacturer’s facility before the product
goes to market.

The best strategy for ensuring a commitment to maintaining EMC in an industrial
environment is to let expert testing professionals from TÜV SÜD conduct the full spectrum
of essential EMC tests. In addition to the procedures mentioned above, we can also test
for antenna immunity, induced voltage immunity, power supply conditioning and much
TÜV SÜD labs in the U.S. are all OSHA-accredited NRTLs compliant with ISO/IEC
17025:2015. We can simulate EMI incidents in multiple settings (including 3- and 10-meter
EMC chambers). But we recognize that in-lab testing isn’t always feasible, and we also
offer on-site and in situ testing.
In addition to EMC-specific testing, TÜV SÜD provides a wide range of electrical and
industrial safety tests and is accredited to confer UL, CE, CSA, UKCA and other regional
safety certifications. Reach out to us to learn more.

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