Protecting sensitive electronics power circuits from EMI; designing for performance and size

Protecting sensitive electronics power circuits from EMI; designing for performance and size

Electromagnetic interference (EMI) and the many ways it can be conducted and/or radiated in modern electronics systems is an ongoing battle with increasing stakes. The latest electronics for military, aerospace, and industrial applications are responsible for providing vital sensor insights, control/actuation, and remote monitoring of critical infrastructure, machines, and systems. A common denominator for all of these systems is the use of electrical power. This power can be easily corrupted by EMI from external sources as well as a system’s own electronics, motors, switching power supply, and functions. Increased digitization and reliance on wireless communications and sensing systems are only enhancing the EMI vulnerabilities of the latest electronic systems. To protect these sensitive systems from intentional and unintentional interference engineers are employing innovative powerline filtering technology which includes new form factors and methods.

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