EMI Radiated Immunity Testing With Oscilloscopes

 Teledyne Lecroy
  • Author: Mike Hertz and Dan Steinken
EMI Radiated Immunity Testing With Oscilloscopes

In order to ensure that electronic components used within automobiles are robust and will continue to function correctly in a real-world environment increasingly filled with electromagnetic (EM) waves originating from cell phones, Bluetooth headsets, satellite radio, AM/FM radio, wireless internet, RADAR, and countless other potential sources of electromagnetic interference (EMI), they must first be tested for EMI immunity within a controlled environment. A radiated immunity chamber is a completely sealed conductive room which provides an ideal environment for EMI testing, because it allows for complete control over the frequency, direction, and strength of electromagnetic fields generated within the room. Since EM fields cannot enter the sealed chamber, the automotive components tested in the chamber receive precise and highly controlled EM waves during testing. Also, since electromagnetic waves cannot leave the chamber either, the measurement instruments used during testing and the engineers operating the test equipment outside of the chamber are safely protected from the strong EM waves occurring inside of the chamber.

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