Addressing EMC/EMI and thermal issues in electric vehicles

Addressing EMC/EMI and thermal issues in electric vehicles

Autonomy and electrification are driving changes to
electrical and electronic architectures within vehicles.
The most significant changes in these architectures
are attributable to the huge increase in signal/data
communication for vehicle connectivity, infotainment,
advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autono-
mous driving (AD), and to the high voltages of electric

With wireless networking using 5G and vehicle-to-
everything (V2X) technologies, future electric vehicles
will create, communicate and process much more data
than current vehicles, over low-voltage networks. At the
same time, the industry continues to push the boundar-
ies of battery capacity, range, engine power and fast
charging technologies that use high current and power
levels. The high power and current levels produce
strong electromagnetic fields and high heat losses that
must be addressed in the design of all electrical compo-
nents. Assessing EMI/EMC and thermal issues is critical
to the reliable and safe operation of low-voltage net-
works with potentially susceptible electronic and radio-
frequency units in parallel with high-voltage (HV) drive systems.

Consequently, more stringent EMC regula-
tions with respect to commercial products have been
released. Electrical engineering must consider the
electromagnetic and thermal issues not only at the
component level but also at the full vehicle level.
This paper describes how multiphysics, multi-domain,
high-fidelity simulation can help overcome the key
technical challenges.

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