Product Approvals Revamp EMC Capabilities to Offer Enhanced EMC services to their Customers

Product Approvals Revamp EMC Capabilities to Offer Enhanced EMC services to their Customers712370

In the early days, Product Approvals Ltd. used external test houses to provide all of its clients' EMC testing requirements during the approval process. However, the company has always held the ambition to be able to provide its own comprehensive in-house EMC testing service. It has recently (2018) invested heavily in its EMC test facilities in order to make this ambition a reality.

Having its own in-house capabilities enables Product Approvals to provide a much more agile EMC testing service than it could if it relied upon the availability of external test houses. This translates into shorter timescales and a more responsive service for it, the customer.

EMC testing can be a daunting prospect, but Pro goal is to be your partner throughout the EMC testing process, and make the process as smooth as possible. This will help you to get your product to market faster and therefore generating revenue quicker.

Whether you plan to submit a production item for final EMC testing, or require pre-compliance measurements to help de-risk EMC aspects of your product development, Product Approvals can assist you.


Product Approvals' EMC test service is constantly expanding. Current test capabilities at its Stafford Park, Telford headquarters include:


  • Conducted Emissions
  • Radiated Emissions
  • Harmonic Current Emissions
  • Voltage Fluctuations and Flicker


  • Electrostatic Discharge Immunity
  • Radiated Immunity/Susceptibility
  • Electrical Fast Transient Burst Immunity
  • Surge Immunity
  • Conducted Immunity/Susceptibility
  • Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity
  • Voltage Dips and Interruptions Immunity

Click here to learn more about Product Approvals Ltd.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309

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