Pendulum Instruments to Showcase Detectus EMC Scanners at EMC Europe 2023

Pendulum Instruments to Showcase Detectus EMC Scanners at EMC Europe 2023712370

Pendulum Instruments has announced its participation in EMC Europe 2023. It is the International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility which is organized every year in one prominent city in Europe. In 2023 it is time for Cracow, Poland. Pendulum is set to showcase its Detectus SCN EMC scanners for detecting EMC hotspots in designs.

The Pendulum/Detectus series of EMC-Scanners are powerful pre-compliance tools for measurement and analysis of electromagnetic interference (EMI). The Scanners feature repetitive high-resolution scanning of emission (and optionally also immunity) down to 25 μm steps. The frequency range is 3, 6 or 10 GHz with the Pendulum near-field probe kits but can be extended by using third parties’ probe kits.

The powerful Detectus scanning SW (DSS) is an outstanding easy-to-use scanning SW for control of the scan process, visualization, and documentation of results. The driver library supports hundreds of Spectrum Analyzers. The scanners come in different sizes to accommodate test objects of various sizes. Scanning can be made in 2D, 3D, or even 4D (3D movement plus 0-360° rotation of the probe head).

The Detectus EMC Scanners offer a comprehensive range of benefits aimed at optimizing electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) testing and design quality enhancement. With the ability to detect EMC issues proactively, these scanners help engineers identify potential problems before they even reach the testing lab, leading to substantial time and cost savings by eliminating the need for revisits. The scanners facilitate consistent and repetitive measurements, enabling easy comparisons between different design alternatives. By pinpointing internal EMI hotspots, they contribute to refining design quality by eliminating potential interference sources.

With the capability to perform scanning in multiple dimensions, including 2D, 3D, and 4D (3D with rotation of the field probe tip), users gain valuable insights into the origins of EMI noise sources. These cutting-edge scanners support over 100 different Spectrum Analyzer models, and Pendulum Instruments remains at the forefront by continually introducing new drivers for Spectrum Analyzers as new models emerge.

Click here to learn more about Pendulum Instruments.

Click here to learn more about Pendulum's Detectus EMC Scanners.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309

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