Panasonic Collaborates with JAXA to Develop Lightweight EMC Shielding Materials

Panasonic Collaborates with JAXA to Develop Lightweight EMC Shielding Materials712370

Panasonic, a leader in providing innovative solutions in the field of networks, connectivity and related technologies, has announced that it has kicked off a joint research project on ultra-light EMC shielding material technology with the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, National Research and Development Agency (hereinafter referred to as JAXA). Designated as one of JAXA’s Solution-creating Research projects for space exploration, this effort is being undertaken in jointly with Nagoya University, Tokai National Higher Education and Research System, National University Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Nagoya University), Yamagata University, National University Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Yamagata University), and Akita University, National University Corporation (hereinafter referred to as Akita University), with Panasonic Industry serving as the representative organization.

Research is currently being conducted with the goal of reducing the weight of satellites used for space exploration through wireless in-flight communication and power supply which conventionally account for a significant percentage of their mass. To achieve this objective, advanced electromagnetic shielding technology is required to ensure electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Electric aircraft with lower environmental impact, such as drones and eVTOL vehicles that fly near the ground, also need both reduced weight and prevention against electromagnetic interference. Furthermore, as wireless communications such as 5G and 6G become faster and use higher frequencies, the need for electromagnetic shielding materials that are both lightweight and applicable to the millimeter-wave to terahertz-wave bands is expected to increase.

These four institutions began refining research on carbon nanotubes as an Idea-incubating Research project through the JAXA Space Exploration Innovation Hub Center in 2020. To further develop the research, these four institutions were selected through a public call for the confirmation of participants for Step-up conducted by JAXA in 2021, and in June 2022, they started joint research on ultra-light electromagnetic shielding material technology.

This new ultra-light electromagnetic shielding material technology is expected to be widely adopted in fields like aerospace and next-generation high-speed communications in the future. By combining a unique resin formulation technology refined over many years with environmental testing capabilities and know-how that anticipate a variety of use cases on the ground, Panasonic Industry is aiming to commercialize the ultra-light EMC shielding material technology in 2024.

Features of this EMC Shielding Material

  1. Combining light weight (0.01 g/cm3 level bulk density) and electromagnetic shielding performance equivalent to that of aluminum, it can help reduce weight and extend flight range for spacecraft like satellites and probes, and electric aircraft including drones and eVTOL vehicles. The company has developed these new electromagnetic shielding materials by bringing together ultra-light materials using carbon nanotube technology from Nagoya University and a thermosetting polymer formulation owned by Panasonic Industry. These new materials have electromagnetic shielding performance equivalent to that of aluminum at 1/270 its weight (with a bulk density[3] of roughly 0.01 g/cm3 level), making it ultra-light compared to commercially available electromagnetic shielding materials. These characteristics afford reduced weight in spacecraft and electric aircraft, which improves energy efficiency and helps extend flight range.
  2. The new materials can be tuned to adjust shielding performance in accordance with device frequencies, facilitating EMC design and helping to improve communication quality.
  3. Excellent workability enables the creation of 3D structures, contributing to improved design quality.

These materials can be potentially used in spacecraft (satellites, probes etc), electric aircraft (drones, eVTOL vehicles etc.), devices for 5G/6G applications (mobile base stations), industrial equipment (robots, AGVs, etc.), in-vehicle devices (mm-Wave radar, various sensors, etc.), and VR/AR devices.

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Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309

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