Gerald J. Ramie Honored with Laurence G. Cumming an IEEE Award for Outstanding Service

Gerald J. Ramie Honored with Laurence G. Cumming an IEEE Award for Outstanding Service712370

ARRL Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Committee member Gerald J. Ramie, KI6LGY, received the Laurence G. Cumming Award for Outstanding Service on August 4, 2022. Presented by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) EMC Society, the award recognized Ramie for promoting meaningful EMC immunity testing for utility control products over the last decade.

Ramie's work began in 2010 with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Smart Grid Interoperability Panel (SGIP) Electromagnetic Interoperability Issues (EMII) Working Group. The group's report was completed by November 2012, but when compared to the inventory of existing electromagnetic interference (EMI) standards, five major gaps were found. Soon, three additional gaps were found, including one that addressed resistance to emissions below 80 MHz. One existing IEEE standard addressed resistance to emissions above 80 MHz.

Ramie worked for the next 10 years to get these eight missing immunity tests included in the IEEE Power & Energy Society list of EMC Immunity Standards for substation communications equipment.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309

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