Fujitsu's Fugaku Supercomputer Completes Simulations to Address EM Interference Issues

Fujitsu's Fugaku Supercomputer Completes Simulations to Address EM Interference Issues712370

Fujitsu announced that it has conducted successful large-scale electromagnetic wave simulations for a series of use cases in different industries using a cloud-based application for the supercomputer Fugaku. Fujitsu envisions that this new analysis solution will help address issues related to electromagnetic interference between electronic components and communications equipment for customers in the space and urban transportation fields. To demonstrate its capabilities, Fujitsu conducted simulations for use cases in these two fields from January to March 2022 and confirmed the effectiveness of the analysis solution as a cloud service between April and July 2022.

Through the simulations, Fujitsu demonstrated how to harness the power offered by the use of HPC resources through a cloud environment to execute precise simulations of complex and large-scale electromagnetic wave problems that could not be solved with conventional approximation algorithms.

Fujitsu aims to provide solutions and consulting services related to electromagnetic compatibility testing by leveraging the solution’s high-precision electromagnetic wave analysis capabilities as part of Fujitsu’s Computing as a Service (Below, CaaS) portfolio by the end of FY 2023 in Japan. Fujitsu is further promoting "Sustainable Manufacturing" to achieve growth through the coexistence of people and the earth as one of its key focus areas under its global business brand, Fujitsu Uvance.


Electromagnetic interference between electronic components and communications equipment represents an ongoing challenge for manufacturers in a wide range of areas, including electronic equipment, automobiles, and space equipment, and demand for electromagnetic analysis solutions to evaluate electromagnetic compatibility is increasing.

Accurate simulations of complex and large-scale electromagnetic wave interference problems require computing power, and users without access to an HPC environment need to perform simulations using conventional approximation algorithms that offer only limited analysis accuracy.

Fujitsu plans to provide its electromagnetic wave analysis solution to address this challenge. The solution, available as a cloud-based application, relies on the FDTD method to obtain accurate outcomes and will allow users from a wide range of industries to easily access Fujitsu’s advanced computing technologies.

To verify the effectiveness of its solution as a new cloud-service, Fujitsu conducted large-scale electromagnetic wave simulations in the following two areas.

Outline of the verification tests

1. Quantitative evaluation of electromagnetic interference problems in latest X-ray space telescopes

(Case study by JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science)

The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) utilized Fujitsu’s wave analysis solution to conduct large-scale electromagnetic wave simulations evaluating the radio wave intensity in the X-ray spectrometer of JAXA’s X-ray imaging satellite XRISM. Utilizing Fujitsu’s solution, JAXA was able to generate an experiment environment that simulates observation conditions as in outer space and conducted evaluations that could not be performed with traditional computing methods.

As a result, JAXA successfully confirmed that the radio wave intensity in XRISM’s X-ray spectrometer is at a level that does not affect the observation performance of the satellite even on orbit.

Details of the simulations:

Analysis target: X-ray spectroscopic imaging satellite XRISM

Analysis scale: up to 193.5 billion grids

Analysis time: 3 hours

Comment from Masahiro Tsujimoto, Associate Professor, JAXA Institute of Space and Astronautical Science:

“High-frequency simulations using CAD models of all satellites, which have been difficult to perform with traditional computing methods, can be performed with a single solution now thanks to Fujitsu. This represents a major technical advance in satellite design. In the XRISM satellite project, the results of this simulation played an important role in quantitatively evaluating unverified risks and confirming the validity of the design.”

2. Evaluation of communication quality of roadside-to-vehicle communication using 5G to contribute to safer traffic and accident prevention in urban areas

Fujitsu conducted large-scale electromagnetic wave simulations utilizing its wave analysis solution to evaluate roadside-to-vehicle (high-speed 5G) communication quality between transmitters installed at intersections and receivers installed in vehicles. In the simulations, Fujitsu also observed the effect of obstacles including surrounding buildings, roadside objects, and other vehicles in urban areas on communications quality. Fujitsu further directly calculated the strength and delay spread(8) of radio waves received by each vehicle's receiving antenna from transmitters installed at intersections using FDTD method simulations to achieve exact communication quality evaluation.

As a result, Fujitsu successfully conducted electromagnetic wave simulations analyzing a large urban area model taking into account complex wavelength orders and proved that simulations conducted with its wave analysis solution can deliver accurate results that incorporate the effect of interference caused by complex obstacles in urban areas.

Details of the simulations:

Analysis target: Intersection area city model including detailed model of roads and surrounding objects (model of the crossing in front of Musashinakahara station of JR Nambu Line in Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan)

Analysis size: 1 trillion grids

Analysis time: Approximately 3 hours

Click here to learn more about Fujitsu's supercomputer Fugaku.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309

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