CEM Introduces New Anechoic Chamber 'Cetim' for Small Electrically-Powered Mobile Machines

CEM Introduces New Anechoic Chamber 'Cetim' for Small Electrically-Powered Mobile Machines712370

Cem, the journal of control technologies and applications for the laboratory and industry, introduces Cetim, a new anechoic chamber equipped with all the resources needed for EMC testing of electrically-assisted bicycles and other small electrically-powered mobile machines.

Most electrical equipment must comply with European Directive 2014/30/EU on electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) in order to be sold on the European market. This is the case for electric bicycles and other electrically-powered devices. They must undergo a series of EMC tests to ensure that it operates properly in its electromagnetic environment, without themselves being the source of electromagnetic disturbance that could impair the operation of equipment operating nearby.

To carry out these tests, a certain level of expertise and special resources—an anechoic chamber to house the equipment under test, as well as specific instruments—are required. To meet the growing needs of manufacturers in this field, Cetim has expanded its EMC testing facilities to include two anechoic chambers.

The first anechoic chamber is suitable for testing a variety of fixed devices and equipment. The second, to be commissioned in mid-October 2023, incorporates an E-Bike test bench for verifying the EMC compliance of electrically-assisted bicycles to standard EN 15194. 

A variety of mobile electric machines weighing up to 4,000 kg - pallet trucks, wheelchairs, autonomous mobile robots, small agricultural and forestry machines, etc. - can be controlled here. - can be controlled here.

Cetim can meet the needs of manufacturers for EMC testing of their equipment in accordance with the requirements of the EMC directive and related standards. These tests can be carried out on benches dedicated to conventional and/or electrical mobility, at electric field levels of up to 200V/m. They can be combined with a system for monitoring the functions of the equipment under test (cameras, signal or fieldbus monitoring, etc.). 

A battery network transient test bench, an electrostatic discharge test bench or a pneumatic test bench for cylinders and motors, for example, can complete these test facilities. Cetim's customers also benefit from technical support based on over 35 years of experience in EMC testing on vehicles, machinery and other industrial equipment. 

Cetim's experts are able to understand the behavior of on-board electronics to optimize design and improve reliability and durability. They can carry out failure analyses to determine the causes of malfunctions of electromagnetic origin, and provide advice on compliance. Beyond EMC, they can work with multi-disciplinary teams to improve the design of equipment from an EMC point of view, while helping to optimize its operation and performance in other mechanical aspects. 

Click here to learn more about Cetim's control and measurement services.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309

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