Bureau Veritas Consolidates its Two Hi-Tech Labs in USA to Establish Advanced Center for Wireless/IoT Products

Bureau Veritas Consolidates its Two Hi-Tech Labs in USA to Establish Advanced Center for Wireless/IoT Products712370

Bureau Veritas Consumer Products Services in the USA has announced it is consolidating its two hi-tech laboratories to one, establishing one of the region’s most comprehensive and advanced Technical Competence Centers for Wireless/IoT Products. Over the next four months, from September to end December 2022, the test platforms and assets from our Sunnyvale lab will be moved to the Milpitas laboratory, just 10 miles away.  

The enhanced facility will house 50 Technology Specialists providing a comprehensive range of regulatory (EMC, Safety, SAR), performance (OTA), conformance (Bluetooth, 5G) and cybersecurity testing/certification services as well as an innovative global market access solution. Customers will continue to be proactively supported by Bureau Veritas technical and project teams to maintain an unrivalled experience for electronics brands selling products on the global market. 

This latest development highlights Bureau Veritas’ ongoing commitment to their North America clients delivering sustained growth through technical knowledge and innovation, broad capability, fast and competitive service delivery and customer focus supported by a global network. 

  • Network: Strong Americas Footprint & Global Network
  • Scale: 1,000+ highly skilled personnel worldwide | 400+ test environments worldwide | 100s personnel throughout the Americas
  • Reputation: 100+ accreditations / recognitions | Competent in all key wireless technologies & regulatory requirements for 200+ territories
  • Segment Leadership: Address all key technology markets (Electrical/Electronics, New Mobility & Wireless/IoT) with active participation in all key technical/industry working groups
  • Complete Service: Conformance, Performance, Regulatory & Cybersecurity | Fast Access to 200 Countries/Territories 

Bureau Veritas confirms there will be no impact to clients during the move due to their global network and multiple platforms in the USA.

Publisher: EMC Directory 691 309

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