Albatross Projects GmbH

  • Germany
  • (+49) 7321 730-510
  • (+49) 7321 730-590
  • Daimlerstrasse 17, 89564 Nattheim, Deutschland, Germany
  • Daimlerstrasse 17, 89564 Nattheim, Deutschland, Germany
  • ISO 9001
We know that test, investigation and protection conditions must be 100% trustworthy - without compromise. That is why we develop, plan and build high-precision electromagnetically shielded and absorbent rooms that guarantee reliable knowledge and efficient protection today and in the future. Whether kit or turnkey project: We adapt our modular, reusable solutions flexibly to the respective needs, products and relevant standards of our worldwide customers., Our high quality standards in terms of material, construction and installation guarantee investment security and guarantee safe and convenient operation in the long term. With many years of expertise, a highly qualified team, comprehensive service and a cooperative and reliable way of working, we create spaces of trust.

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  • ISO 9001:2008
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