Transient Limiters

7 Transient Limiters from 6 manufacturers listed on EMC Directory

Transient Limiter Limits input voltage when conducted EMI emissions measurements to protect the devices like spectrum analyzer. It is used along LISN. Transient Limiters from the leading manufacturers are listed below. Use the parametric search tools to narrow down on products by frequency, voltage and various other parameters. View product details, download datasheets and get quotes on Absorbing Clamp that you need.

1 - 7 of 7 Transient Limiters

What is a transient limiter?

A transient limiter is a protective device used during EMC-conducted emission testing to protect the sensitive RF input circuitry of a spectrum analyzer or EMI measurement receiver from high-level transients/transient spikes coming from the Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN). LISN is a device used in EMC-conducted emission testing (figure). If the transient limiter is not used, the transients that come from the LISN will damage the input circuitry of the RF input circuitry of the spectrum analyzer or EMI measurement receiver. The transient limiters can also be used in other measurements where input signal levels are unpredictable or accidental overloads may occur.

Basic EMC Conducted Emission test setup

Functionally, a transient limiter product typically incorporates HPF (high pass filter) followed by an attenuator and peak level limiter. When connected in series with the coaxial line connecting the LISN to the Spectrum Analyzer or EMI receiver, the transient limiter blocks/attenuates potentially harmful, short-duration, high-level transients coming from the RF port of LISN, thereby protecting the input of spectrum analyzer or EMI receiver. The high pass filter helps to suppress the harmonics of the main supply voltage or attenuates out-of-band signals. 

Key specification details of transient limiter:

Frequency: Represents the operating frequency range of (KHz to MHz) the transient limiter.

Attenuation: It represents the attenuation level (in dB) provided by the transient limiter.  

Input power: It represents the input power level (in W) that can be handled by the device.

EMC Directory has listed Transient Limiters from the leading manufacturers. Use the parametric search tools to narrow down on products based on your requirements. Once you find parts that meet your requirements, view product details, download the datasheet, compare products, and request quotations. Inquiries sent via EMC Directory are directed to the manufacturers who get back to you with a quote or information.

Transient Limiter Manufacturers
transient-limiters 1036 ../ ../../../../ equipments-search equipment1 ../1036transient_limiterstransient-limitersTransient Limiterssconnectors:expandsconnectors:singlesfrequency:expand,sinput_power:expand,ssupply_voltage:expandsfrequency:2451,sinput_power:2467,ssupply_voltage:2462sfrequency:MHz,sinput_power:W,ssupply_voltage:Vnull
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